Modern Shop is the boutique fashion brand

we lead by example

Proudly influenced catwalks, celebrities & high street fashion for the past 30 years

You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet.

hipster set


You gotta have style. It helps you get down the stairs. It helps you get up in the morning. It’s a way of life. Without it, you’re nobody. I’m not talking about lots of clothes.

elegance set


Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.

featured products

Featured items hand picked by our top designer

Our selection of women’s fashion ensures you look your best this coming season

These beautiful hand crafted accessories are made using the finest materials

Our modern selection of men’s fashion ensures you look your best this coming season

other shops

Check out our weekly promotions for amazing deals on hot items

Fashion is part of the daily air and it changes all the time, with all the events. You can even see the approaching of a revolution in clothes. You can see and feel everything in clothes.


The Glamour Collection Safe!

High fashion looks at high street prices

opening times


09:00 ~ 19.00


09:00 ~ 21.00